Letter to the editor: Finley represents best choice for Lawrence County

Published 9:27 pm Saturday, November 3, 2018

I am a retiree and a Vietnam veteran. I wholeheartedly support Christen Finley as the right choice at the right time for Lawrence County, Ohio.

She has an impressive legal background in various areas of law with litigation and courtroom experience. She has integrity and is a hard worker.

Briefly, I want to share my thoughts about the choice we have before us. Ms. Finley meets all the qualifications to serve as judge. Her opponent lists his experience asserting it as better. Have you stopped to consider he is over 20 years older than she is? If more experience carried the day, younger, qualified candidates need not apply. This is not the case. I find it refreshing that young professionals are raising their families here.

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Have you noticed there are few women or minorities in elected offices in this county? In my career at AOL, I worked with professionals of different nationalities, races, and gender. This diversity was a fundamental reason why AOL became a breakout star in technology for a time. We have an opportunity to make history by electing a qualified female to serve as a common pleas judge for the first time in Lawrence County! Let’s support her as a new generation willing to fight to make a positive difference.

Party affiliation is permitted to be listed by a judicial candidate. Finley is a registered Republican, and her opponent is a registered Democrat. If he were so nonpartisan, he could have registered as an Independent. Do not confuse this with the fact that a sitting judge must be nonpartisan in her decision making.

Finley will not allow politics to enter her courtroom.

We need new blood and not a recirculation of the same people. Please join with me and vote for Christen Finley for judge!

Mike McKee
Lawrence County