Governor will get chance to show his plan

Published 9:28 am Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anyone tuning in to tonight’s State of the State address by Gov. John Kasich shouldn’t get their hopes up to hear concrete outlines and extensive details about the future of Ohio.

Kasich has all but said that will come in about a week when he unveils his budget. But that doesn’t mean Ohioans should tune out his message.

The annual address by Ohio’s top leader will be Kasich’s first and should go a long way toward laying out his blueprint for revitalization of Ohio

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So far Kasich has certainly taken an approach that seems intent on shaking up the status quo — for better and worse.

Only time will tell what types of changes the governor is able to enact. But, for now, he is talking a big game.

Kasich has discussed or proposed a variety of far-reaching changes including partial privatization of economic development, restricting bargaining power of unions for public workers, changing school funding and much more.

Many of these plans are still in the works and it remains unclear exactly what the final outcome will be.

Whether you agree with him or not, it is hard to dispute that the governor is aggressively attempting to tackle many of the problems that have led to Ohio’s nearly $8 billion deficit.

We anticipate his offering at least some insight into how all this will work together tonight.

It is important for Ohioans to pay attention because the changes of tomorrow will start today.