Latest Columnists


Michael Reagan: House Republicans need to get act together

Another week, another round of Republicans attacking each other. This time it was over the Ukraine funding bill ...


U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: A major step to crack down on fentanyl traffickers

Last week, we took a major step to crack down on fentanyl traffickers, so that we can keep ...


MJ Wixsom: Teaching what she knows

For the past two school years, I have escaped my office on Wednesday afternoons to teach gifted and ...


Doug Johnson: Love can be lovely, but our actions speak loudly

A sick man went to the doctor’s office with his wife. The doctor examined the man and ran ...


Danny Tyree: What’s in a city’s name? A whole lot

The venerable comic strip “Gasoline Alley” is wrapping up a storyline in which the dastardly assistant mayor schemed ...


April Black: Facing the challenges of apraxia as a parent

May 14 is Apraxia Awareness Day in Proctorville and across our nation. I am the parent of an ...


U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: Saving Ohio steel jobs

For the last year, we’ve been fighting to stop a proposed Department of Energy rule that would have ...


Jim Crawford: The red state dilemma

Red States are those who reliably vote for Republicans. Voters in those states report that they relate to ...


Tom Purcell: Take our daughters and sons to grandma’s

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is on April 25, and I think we should try ...


Jeri Fields: Social Security working to support small business

Running a small business can be a 24-7 endeavor. Managing employees, inventory, scheduling, services, and marketing can be ...


Doug Johnson: Helping those who need help is never wrong

Years ago, a man went to a convention where the famous African American scientist/inventor George Washington Carver was ...


Tim Thorockmorton: The pastor who stood against Britain

This week, we are blessed to celebrate the 249th anniversary of the memorable night of April 19, 1775, ...


Dean Fadel: Keeping the state’s roads safe

If you drive on Ohio’s highways (or any highway across the U.S. for that matter), you’ve undoubtedly seen ...


Jim Crawford: How Biden can win in 2024

Campaign rhetoric aside, the 2024 election will be decided along the margins with independent voters and dissatisfied voters ...


Debbie Gulley: Marking 50 years of the senior nutrition program

In March, the Area Agency on Aging District 7 joined the federal Administration for Community Living and senior ...

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