
Debbie Gulley: Strengthen your defense…vaccinate!

The start of a new year usually features talk about resolutions and changes that can be made to ...


U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: Fighting to cut taxes for Ohio families and businesses

Two of my top priorities are supporting Ohio manufacturers and lowering costs for Ohio families. This week, we ...


MJ Wixsom: Snow is a wonder for dog’s senses

This morning, on the way to the truck with my dog Whiskey, I noticed the snow was squeaking.  ...


Jim Crawford: A one-way ticket for the U.S.

The most clear and present danger facing the nation is the fantasy that the facts no longer matter, ...


Doug Johnson: The definition of sacrifice is visible in His hands

Late in the 15th century, two young woodcarving apprentices in France confided to each other their desire to ...


Stan Popovich: 21 mental health facts to help your loved ones

I dealt with fear and anxiety for over twenty years and there are 21 facts that I discovered during ...


U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: Working to prevent rising electric bills

Right now, electric cooperatives provide more than 380,000 homes and businesses in Ohio with affordable and reliable electricity. ...


Jeri Fields: This year, learn what Social Security has online

Social Security programs touch the lives of more than 71 million people. We work hard to ensure critical ...


Doug Johnson: Finding the secret to true happiness is the key

True happiness is sometimes hard to find with all the bad news around us.  Some people measure happiness ...


Tim Throckmorton: The danger of us forgetting our history

English statesman Sir Edmund Burke wisely observed, “In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing ...


MJ Wixsom: The cases a veterinarian sees daily

One of the things that I love about my job is the wide variety of patients and cases ...


MJ Wixsom: Taking the time to scale new heights

New Year’s Eve takes the focus as the clock strikes midnight and we bid adieu to another year, ...


Stan Popovich: Persuading someone to get help

There are many reasons why some people are reluctant to get help for their mental health or addiction ...


Jeri Fields: Social Security info is online

Social Security programs touch the lives of more than 71 million people.  We work hard to ensure critical ...


Tim Throckmorton: God is always there, listening to you

Quick question, have you ever thought that your phone is listening to you?  Maybe you noticed your Facebook ...

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