Support Issue 1 at primary
Published 11:14 am Tuesday, April 29, 2014
One week from today, voters in Lawrence County and around Ohio will go to the polls for the primary election.
In addition to the local races and levies, voters will cast their ballot on one statewide proposition, and that is the renewal of the State Capital Improvement Fund (SCIP) also listed as Issue 1.
Issue 1 allows the state to continue a level of funding for various public works projects throughout Ohio.
The SCIP began in 1987 and has been renewed twice prior to being on the ballot this year.
For Lawrence County, the grants and funding this program has afforded has been significant in providing needed support to complete a multitude of projects for both the county and communities where we work and live.
To date, the funding for projects throughout the county has been more than $29 million, which is 50 percent of the total cost of the projects.
Several of the townships, villages and cities along with county projects have benefited from SCIP funding at some point since the program’s inception.
In many cases, the grants have allowed those entities to complete or extend projects that might not have been realized otherwise.
We understand that any increase in bonds will result in paying back the interest on the projects. Because of the benefits, along with the financial strain our local governments are facing, this funding for infrastructure-related projects is vital.
We encourage voters of Lawrence County to vote Yes on Issue 1.