Whitwell public hearing scheduled
Published 10:39 am Thursday, May 28, 2015
A few weeks after a planning commission meeting on the rezoning of the Whitwell School from a Residential-2 to a Residential-3, a public hearing on the issue has been scheduled by city council.
Developer and owner of the building, Jack Hager, wants to convert the 11,000 square-foot building into an apartment complex for senior citizens and veterans. The public can give its input on the matter at the public hearing set for 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 25 in the council chambers on the third floor of the city building. Hager first proposed his idea in 2012.
Unrelated to the Whitwell School rezone, Toro Loco Mexican Restaurant is in the process of getting a liquor license in a transfer from the now closed Fuzzy Duck. Currently the restaurant serves beer, but will have liquor available once the license is obtained.
Mayor Rich Blankenship said city council approved the transfer without having a hearing.
The city is also looking into getting its own liquor license for the riverfront, although Blankenship said he didn’t want to comment on that until more research is done.
City council will have its regular meeting tonight at 6 p.m. in the council chambers, although there are no items on the agenda.