Ironton City Council has regular meeting
Published 10:52 am Friday, August 28, 2015
Ironton City Council met Thursday evening to discuss ordinances and projects.
Prior to the two ordinances on the agenda, Mayor Rich Blankenship introduced new Ironton fire chief, Mike Mahlmeister, to council and gave an update on the six paving projects throughout the city.
Out of $70,000 for the projects, Blankenship said only $45,740 has been spent on the paving projects and he wanted to look into carrying over the remaining money for the repaving of State Routes 93 and 141 in the future.
Blankenship also addressed council about appointing T.J. Young to the city health board and gave an update on the marina project. He said the city is waiting on approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
In the communications portion of the meeting, Spectrum Outreach Services is looking to make the house at 322 Walnut St. a recovery house for women and wants to make sure it doesn’t need to be rezoned. The house is currently zoned at a B-2, which means that it is not prohibited. However, council member Bob Cleary made a motion to have the city’s attorneys check this out for a legal opinion in which Aaron Bollinger seconded and it was approved by all. Beth Rist wasn’t present to vote.
Ordinance 15-33, authorizing and directing the mayor to enter a contract with the Ohio University Southern campus and declaring an emergency, which would put an Ironton police officer on campus, was given its first reading.
Cleary made a motion to suspend the rules to give it its second and third reading by title only with Dave Frazer seconding. All but Bollinger voted yes to suspend the rules, but it did it did not receive the required six votes.
Ordinance 15-30, providing for equal housing opportunity in the city of Ironton, was given its third and final reading. Bollinger moved to adopt the ordinance with Cleary seconding. The ordinance was approved by all.
Following the ordinances, Frazer made a motion to appoint T.J. Young to the city health board. Bollinger seconded the decision and it was approved by all.