Adopting alternative tax budget, dumpster ordinance to be on Ironton City Council agenda
Published 9:41 am Thursday, October 22, 2015
Ironton City Council will face a resolution adopting the alternative tax budget for next year as well as the first readings of two ordinances at tonight’s meeting.
Resolution 15-37, adopting the alternative budget for the city of Ironton for the fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 2015, and submitting the same to the county auditor of Lawrence County and declaring an emergency will be given.
The alternative tax budget is required by the Ohio Revised Code to be turned into the county auditor’s office, which in turn, presents it to the budget commission. This enables the auditor’s office to determine if the city’s estimates are on track or too high or too low. It also reviews whether any tax levies need to be rolled back.
Amounts from property tax to be approved by the budget commission and the county auditor’s estimated tax rates derived from inside the $10 million limit are $271,000 in the general fund and $38,000 for police pension as well as fire pension, bringing the total to $347,000.
The estimated budget for the general fund in 2016 is $320,255 in property tax and $5,264,735 in other revenue for a total revenue of $5,584,990, $5,653,702 in total expenditures and an opening cash balance of $143,195 with an ending cash balance of $74,483.
Ordinances on the agenda include the first reading of Ordinance 15-36, authorizing the mayor to purchase new dumpsters for the city of Ironton and the first reading of Ordinance 15-38, authorizing and directing the mayor to execute an agreement with Allard Excavation, LLC for construction of the riverfront transient dock and river walk project and declare it an emergency.