Trump makes acceptance speech

Published 1:17 pm Friday, July 22, 2016

CLEVELAND — Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination Thursday night, the last night of the Republican National Convention.

“Who would have thought that when we started this journey on June 16 last year, that we would have received almost 14 million votes?” Trump asked the crowd during his acceptance speech. “The most votes in the history of the Republican party and that the Republicans would get 61 percent more votes than it received four years ago?… Together we will lead our party back to the White House, and together we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity and peace.”

In Trump’s speech, he touched on terrorism, the state of the economy, immigration and what he felt were problems with his opponent, Hillary Clinton, saying she was responsible for many of the world’s disasters today, and describing her legacy with words such as “death,” “destruction,” “terrorism” and “weakness.”

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Trump said he is the choice of the people over Clinton.

“My opponent asks her supporters to support a three-word loyalty pledge. It reads ‘I’m with her,’” he said. “I choose to recite a different pledge. My pledge reads, ‘I’m with you, the American people. I am your voice.”