
Doug Johnson: Advertising error leaves man without results, help

Several years ago, “Dear Abby” mentioned a fellow named R. D. Jones in one of her newspaper columns. ...


Tim Throckmorton: Dodging decisions won’t help eternally

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a procrastinate as, blameworthy delay, especially through laziness or apathy. Dawdling, loitering, dallying… The ...


Gov. Mike DeWine: McConnell has been an expert strategist

The following statement was released after the announcement that U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, will step down as ...


Jim Crawford: Affordable Care Act is at risk this election year

Just as he ended Roe vs. Wade by appointing justices he knew would overturn the precedent of protecting ...


Jeri Fields: Improving your SSA customer experience

We’re committed to improving customer service by providing more access to our programs and services, and our efforts ...


Debbie Gulley: Medicare prescription drug discount plan — are you eligible?

Do you know if you are eligible for the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Discount?  There are many individuals ...


MJ Wixsom: Doctor to take trip to help strays

I will be out of the office the last two weeks in March.  As a veterinarian deeply committed to ...


Tim Throckmorton: Princesses are not the only ones need saving

I must confess that at one time I openly made fun of grandparents!  I’d say things like, “why I’d ...


Doug Johnson: A failure or two doesn’t mean you can’t succeed

Do you know any successful people? If you do, chances are they haven’t always been successful. In fact, ...


Jim Crawford: A supreme trust is on the line this week

The Supreme Court stands as a pillar of our democracy, beside Congress and the executive branch as co-equals ...


Jeri Fields: How to spot government imposters

Do you know how to spot a government imposter scam? We continue to raise public awareness about Social ...


MJ Wixsom: Never downplay a pet’s pain

As a veterinarian, I often encounter pet owners who downplay signs of pain in their furry companions.  One ...


Jeri Fields: Help someone you know apply for Social Security

Sharing is caring. Take time to remind your loved ones that Social Security helps people in all stages ...


Doug Johnson: When God needs some work done, He finds a worker

It’s tough when you’re overworked and underpaid.  But asking for a raise from your boss can be tougher.  ...


U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: Stop fentanyl from entering the country

Nearly everyone in Ohio has a fentanyl story — it may be in your own family, it may ...

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